미술에 대한 열정을 가지고 배우고자 하는 이들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 것에 큰 보람을 느낍니다. 진정한 미술교육이란 자신의 꿈과 목표를 향해 도전하고 성취해 나갈 수 있도록 이끌어주는 역할이라고 생각하며 Aii는 앞으로도 이 역할에 충실하고자 합니다.

원장 하태_Taeshim Hah, Director/Artist

원장 하태심_Taeshim Hah, Director/Artist

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A.

MA in Painting, Full Scholarship recipient

Ewha Women’s University 이화여자대학 서양화과, Seoul, Korea



Director & Art Instructor, Arteast International Institute(Aii), Seoul, Korea, 2010 to


Adjunct Professor, 2D Art: Foundation&Development, Yonsei University,

Songdo Campus, 2012 to 2019

Art Instructor, Basic Drawing, Univ.of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A.

Art Instructor, 2D/3D Basic Design, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.


30 Selected Artists' Exhibition, Organized by Seoul Arts Center, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea, Oct 2018

Solo Exhibition, Garden.Flower.Memory, Organized at Th 5th JJST_04 Artists Exhibition, Ara Art Center, Seoul, Korea, Sep 2018

Solo Exhibition, "Pieces: In Memory of Sajik-dong", Kimreeaa Gallery, Seoul, Korea, June 2017

Group Show: 제삼지대_천개의 얼굴, Gallery Life, Seoul, Korea, Feb 2017

Group Show: E 2012, JH Gallery, Insa-gallery district, Seoul, Korea, July 2012

Group Show, Gallery Sky Yeon, Insa-gallery district, Seoul, Korea, March 2012

Three Person Show: Here and Now, JH Gallery, Insa-gallery district, Seoul, Korea, January 2012

Solo Exhibition: Taeshim Hah I New Beginning I Paintings, Gallery 7, Seoul Arts Center (예술의 전당), Seoul, Korea, April 2011

Three Person Show: Here and Now, Organized by Art Academy at Seoul Arts

Center, Gallery 7, Seoul Arts Center (예술의 전당), Seoul, Korea, January 2011

Director/Art Instructor, Arteast International Institute (Aii), Seoul, Korea, Feb 2010 to present

Art Instructor, Aleth Art Studio, Los Angeles, CA, 2006-2009

지은쌤 프로필(흑백).jpg

부원장 변지은_JiEun Byun, Associate Director

Ewha Women’s University 이화여자대학교 서양학과, Seoul, Korea



To be updated soon!